Team Dynamics

“The Goal”

A team is a group of two or more people working together to accomplish a task. This may seem obvious, yet many people when faced with the word “team” think only of sports. Just as each member of a sports team has a different role to play in skills to offer, so do members of work teams.

The MBTI® assessment reflects individual preferences for directing and receiving energy, taking in information, making decisions and coming to conclusions, and approaching the outside world. 16 unique personality types result from the combinations of these eight in MBTI® preferences.

MBTI® Team Dynamics framework is designed to help teams function more productively. The MBTI® assessment is useful to teams because it is based on the idea that we all have unique gifts to offer and challenges to overcome. In teams we work together, attempting to maximize each members special talents, thereby minimizing gaps in knowledge and skills.

“The Work”

There are six core issues affecting teams today: communication, team culture, leadership, change, problem-solving/conflict resolution, and stress. In this workshop we will cover:

  • Introduction to MBTI® Type

  • Experience each of your preference pairs and how they work with the team

  • Analyze team strengths and challenges

  • Enhance communication with MBTI® Type

  • Decision Making with MBTI® Type

  • Individual and Team commitment and game plan

“The Result”

I love to help teams understand their type in their relationship to their preferences and to the way they and other team members interact. The results are:

  • An atmosphere of openness and trust.

  • Providing a neutral and affirmative language with which to discuss differences.

  • Underscoring the value of diversity.

  • Teaching team members to value and work with the strengths of others. 

  • Helping increase productivity by aligning in individuals in MBTI preferences to a particular team tasks. 

  • Identifying team strengths and potential Blind spots. 

PRICE: $790 Per Person

This Includes:

  • one MBTI® Online Assessment

  • one digital MBTI® Step I Report

  • one digital “Team Dynamics” workbook

  • 5 “one hour” sessions (in person or virtually) that can be done as a half day workshop or 5 individual sessions.